Visual Symphonies - Art by William Ellison
Visual Symphonies - Art by William Ellison
William Ellison's art is now showing at Tensix Studio in Merrickville, Ont.
Call or email to arrange a private viewing.
Gallery # 1
Gallery # 1
Latest Work by William Ellison.
This Gallery features works from the Artist's latest series, the Symphony Series. More information about this series will be posted on the artist's blog.
All of the piece in this Gallery are Editions of 3 unless otherwise indicated in the the write-up. Prices are listed for the dimensions described in the write-up. Artist is willing to adjust size to suit the client. Requests for smaller versions will decrease the purchase price.
This Gallery also includes works from the artist's Eclypse and Quantum Tunnel Series'
"In all theses works, diminutive geometric elements (line, circles, squares, etc.) were superimposed, then twisted, pulled and cajoled over an undefined space of soft colour. The proximity and interaction of these elements within this space effect unexpected optics. Visual sensations ranging from kenetic frenzy to relaxed interplay of line, colour, and form often result."
Be sure to double clip on image to see full size and read details.

Gathering Storm on the Homestead
Price $2,000.00 Dimensions: 77'x79" High Pigment, Archival ink on canvas. Limited edition of 3

Dog Daze-$2,500.00
See William Ellison's blog for discussion on this work. Price $2,500.00 Dimensions: 100"x40" High Pigment, Archival ink on canvas. Limited edition of 5

Symphony # 9 $2,000.00
Dimensions: 92 inches by 72 inches Pigment Based, Archival Ink on Canvas. First of the Symphony series September 2014

Resq - $2,000.00
Price $1,500.00 Dimensions: 77'x79" High Pigment, Archival ink on canvas. Limited edition of 5 William Ellison blogs about the inspiration behind Resq on his blog.

Symphony # 587 - $2,000.00
Dimensions: 77'x79" High Pigment, Archival ink on Dibond and plexiglass. Limited edition of 5

Symphony # 704 - $2,000.00
Dimensions: 77'x79" High Pigment, Archival ink on Dibond and plexiglass. Limited edition of 5

Symphone#134, Midsummer Night's Dream
Price $5,000.00 Dimensions: 7''x79" High Pigment, Archival ink on Dibond and plexiglass. Limited edition of 5

Red Tangle - $1,000.00
Dimenstions: 40"x 24" High Pigment, archival ink on Diabond.

Quantum Tunnel #2 -$3,000.00
Dimensions: 70 inches by 48 inches Pigment Based Archival Ink on Canvas.

Quantum Tunnel # 1- $5,000.00
Dimensions: 70" by 55" Pigment Based Archival Ink on Canvas

Quantum Tunnel # 3 -$3,000.00
Dimensions: 60 inches by 60 inches Pigment Based Archival Ink on Canvas

Red Planet $3,000.00
Dimensions: 60 inches by 60 inches Pigment Based Archival Ink on Canvas

Blue Moon - $1,500.00
Dimensions: 80 inches by 48 inches Pigment Based, Archival Ink on Canvas

Eclipse $1,500.00
Dimensions: Pigment Based, Archival Ink on Canvas

Full Moon $1,500.00
Dimensions: 70 inches by 56 inches Pigment Based Archival Ink on Canvas

Reflections on Colour - $2,500.00
Dimensions: 70 inches by 47 inches Pigment Based Archival Ink on Canvas

Eclipse with Ring $1,500.00
Dimensions: 70 inches by 56 inches Pigment Based, Archival Ink on Canvas

Summer Daze - $2,000.00 Edition of 5
Dimentions: 33 inches by 48 inches. Pigment Based Archival Ink on Canvas

Sophie's World $2,500.00
Dimensions: 70 inches by 47 inches Limited editions of 3 High Pigment, archival ink on Dibond

Imelda - $1,600.00
Dimensions: 83 inches by 46 inches Pigment Based Archival Ink on canvas

Lynedance $2,500
Dimensions: 70 inches by 47 inches Limited editions of 3 High Pigment, archival ink on Dibond

Trace Elements

Spindrift $3,500.00
Price $3,500.00 Dimensions: 100'x 40' Pigment, Archival ink on Dibond and plexiglass. Limited edition of 3

Alone with Camera -$3,500
See William Ellison's blog for discussion on this work. Dimensions: 77'x79" High Pigment, Archival ink on on canvas. Limited edition of 3

The Tourist - $3,500.00
Price $1,500.00 Dimensions: 77'x79" High Pigment, Archival ink on canvas. Limited edition of 3

Barn for Sale
Price $3,500.00 Dimensions: 100'x 40' Pigment, Archival ink on Dibond and plexiglass. Limited edition of 3

Rough Waters - $3,500
See William Ellison's blog for discussion on this piece. Price $3,500.00 Dimensions: 77'x79" High Pigment, Archival ink on canvas. Limited edition of 3